Beauty & Anti-Aging 

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Beauty & Anti-Aging. 
Turn back the clock by incorporating HbOT into your life. 
The Oxygen levels in the body decrease as we age, causing damaged tissues, decreased tissue function, slow wound healing, dry skin, fatigue, wrinkles and a variety of other age related symptoms. 
As the largest organ in the body, the skin exhibits toxins that show up as blemishes and discolorations. HbOT may help eliminate these toxins from the system, providing a fresh and rejuvenated appearance. 
HbOT may also help stimulate collagen production, improve skin elasticity, eliminate toxins and can help repair damaged skin. It may also promote healthy hair growth and help with weight loss, cellulite, wrinkles, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. 
Halt the aging process! 
It's natural for our bodies to 'slow down' as we age! At the cellular level, every time a cell replicates, the telomere (the tail) gets shorter. As the tail shrinks, the cell cannot replicate any longer. As a result, these cells go dormant, or senescent. 
Use the link below to access the recent research on this study
DISCLAIMER: Kindly note that The Heal-Air cannot prescribe or make any inferences regarding the efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for any particular purpose or condition. The applications listed on this website are suggestions based on medical literature; if in doubt please consult your doctor. Hyperbaric oxygen is not a replacement/substitute for conventional treatments. We do not take any responsibility for development/progression of any conditions . 
In accordance with UK and EU legislation, we confirm that there is no intention implied or otherwise that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is administered with the intention of it being a cure or as a preventative for any disease. Any references, studies or articles sited in our website do not imply that similar results will occur when the same therapy is experienced by another. 
Please note that although the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been established in the treatment or management for a variety of indications, the evidence for its use remains uncertain which means that it is not proven by “randomized prospective controlled clinical experiment or trial” or “double blind study” which is considered to be the strongest form of scientific evidence by conventional medical standards.